My Story

I am spending the spring semester in Denia, Spain. I will be taking five classes at the local University. Follow the blog to find out what is going on in my life :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finals are over!! On to Barcelona!!

Hello everyone!! Today is Wednesday and I just finished my final for my interim class, regions of Spain!  This last week has been lots of class, studying, reading, and watching Spanish TV with my Spanish mama.  We watch world news and lots of game shows.  While shopping in January for my trip my mom found the third Twilight book in Spanish for me!  This was great because I have already read it twice in English so I know what should be happening.  When I started it in the car ride home it was super slow going.  I read two pages in the fifteen minutes it took to get home!  Now I am reading it with breakfast and it is so much faster and easier!  Last Saturday night I went out with a couple of girls around 11pm to go to this restaurant called “La niñeta” where at night they have salsa dancing and live music.  It was a blast!!  The Singer there was a man from Cuba who actually goes to my church here.  He and his wife both sang the duets and they had beautiful voices!  There was an area cleared away of tables where all the people could dance.  It like a scene out of Dirty Dancing Havana Nights!  There was even a cute little boy there that could really dance!!  We all got up and salsa danced the night away!  The singer asked where we were from and then played an American song and announced us as the girls form Michigan!  At church on Sunday, which lasted over two hours, the youth group preformed a skit.  The theme of sermons for the next long while is “better together” “mejor juntos.”  So the kids acted out a scene of a basketball game with cheerleaders and a coach and one of the players was trying to be the star but could never make the shots.  When they all passed together and played as a team – they won!  But the best part of this is while they were doing to (silent) skit – High School Musical’s “Get your head in the game” was playing!!  It was hysterical!  Yesterday was our last day of class where I had to recite a memorized poem in Spanish – fun, not!  Then today we had our final which was not to hard but tons of writing!!  Today we are free from studying and then tomorrow we head off super early (7am!!) to Barcelona!  We are taking a large bus with around 25 students from the local high school as their teacher is also one of our professors.  We are first going to Tarragona which has lots of Roman ruins that I am very much looking forward to seeing as I took three years of Latin in high school.  Then off to Barcelona for Friday through Sunday!!  I am looking forward to seeing a new part of Spain!  I will post lots of pictures and more on that when I get back!  Monday we start the 2nd semester here with professors from Spain.  More to come!  I hope you are all doing well in the states!  Enjoy the snow for me J


  1. Jennifer,

    I am so pleased that you are experiencing the finest sporting experience in the world. Maybe you could open the eyes of your Father to finer points of real football.You have now visited the home of the best football club in all of Europe, Congratulations !!!
    It is Super bowl Sunday tomorrow here in the good old USA. I'm still trying to figure what that actuallly means.I think its maybe a cross between a pot luck dish and a really large toilet.
    It looks like you are having a great time in Spain. I am looking forward to seeing more of your adventures.

  2. Graham!
    Thanks, Camp Nou was a blast! It was one of my favorite things in Barcelona! Haha - I hear the super bowl was good. I am watching lots of real football games here on tv and everytime a goal is scored the town shoots off a cannon or fireworks - it's awesome! I am going back to England for spring break and I am so excited!! I love it there! I hope everything is going well for you - say hi to the rest of your family for me! Jenn
