My Story

I am spending the spring semester in Denia, Spain. I will be taking five classes at the local University. Follow the blog to find out what is going on in my life :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Calm before the storm- has passed!

I didn't really know what to put as a title but since things are getting crazy that sounded good.  I am working hard in all of my classes.  I just wrote an 8 page paper on the Andaluz dialect after interview a couple friends.  It was really fun and very interesting!  Life here as always is awesome!  The other weekend we went to Sevilla and loved every minute of the city.  I have really enjoyed spending time with my mama!  We have been watching a couple of my favorite movies in Spanish, the latest being “She’s the man” and she loves them!!  She is such a great mama and I am so blessed to live with her!  It is getting hot here!  We have started going to the beach on a regular basis and I have a bit of a burn on my back :(  The sand is beautiful and warm and we have been playing soccer and volleyball and playing around in the water.  It’s great!!  The homework books sometimes come but never happen to make it out of the bag . . .  

This week (tomorrow afternoon) I am going with a group of students to London.  On Wednesday I am going to meet up with Judith and Bob Berry and enjoy their company for the day!  Very excited about that!!  Following London I will be traveling to Rome for a couple of days followed by Florence, Venice and Milan!!  It is going to be an amazing, jam packed couple of weeks!!  All prayers are appreciated!  After that I have one week of full time studying then finals and then my Mom, Dad and sister are coming for a weeklong visit!!  I can’t wait!!  I hope everyone is doing well in the states!  Hasta luego, Jenn

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hola everyone!  Sorry I haven’t written in awhile – I have been enjoying Spain greatly!!  I’ll have to write more later as this will just be an overview but Madrid was amazing, we saw lots of historical sites and went to a seven level dance club one night that reminded me of Chasing Liberty if anyone has seen that awesome movie J  Over the last month I have climbed the mountain here (9 hours!!), explored caves that go under the ocean, gone to the Valor chocolate factory and felt like I was in Charlie and the Chocolate factory, spent lots of time at the beach, walking, jogging and basking J I have gone to Valencia three times in the last couple of weeks.  Once to go see the fallas, once to see a soccer match between Valencia and Sevilla, and the third time to see the oceanographic (aquarium).  Fallas was amazing and super loud!  They are constantly shooting off fireworks and little kids play with fireworks all hours of the day.  The fallas are large colorful floats that make some sort of political, social or economical statement (satirizing it).  The fallas in Dénia were fun as well and it was always loud!  We had a couple of neighborhood lunches as my neighborhood did a small falla (pictures to come!) and we had paella and lots of traditional Spanish food!  There was music and dancing and it was a blast!  We ate out on long tables in the warm sun.  We have been doing lots of movie nights and get togethers including chocolate, cookies, cranberry juice, coloring, spaghetti dinners and more!  It’s great getting to know all the students here!  I absolutely love my mama, Maite!  She is so nice and gives me lots of gifts and makes delicious food and is always there to talk or dance or sing J  The other night I went over to my friends Josiah’s house and Kevin and I jumped in his pool – It was freezing!!!!  We were in an out in a matter of minutes J  The soccer match was a blast (we were the only 6 Sevilla fans there) but we won!  Classes are going well and my ethnographic study to the grade school is fun, seeing and interacting with all the little kids is adorable!  I’m still keeping up on my NCIS and NCIS: LA’s!!  LOVE THEM!  Today I was outside jogging on the beach in 70 degree weather!  It was awesome!!   Well I’m off to get ready for our excursion tomorrow to Cordoba and Granada.  The following weekend Sevilla, two weeks after that England and Rome for a two week spring break and then the next weekend my family comes so lots of awesome travel to look forward too!  I hope everyone is doing well!  Xoxo, Jenn

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Photos from Madrid and surrounding areas (and a few from before)

This is a castle in Alicante that we visited a couple of weekends ago. 

There were beautiful flowers!

This is our Calvin College Cold Knight Club jump into the freezing seminary pond at home but here it was a run in to the Mediterranian!!  It was a blast and not too cold at all! :) Even our Professor did it (she is last one on the right).

We did it!!

This is when my Dad and Grandma came and we went up to the castle in Denia.

I'm not sure how to turn pictures on this yet so just turn your head because I really like it!  It's my Grandma, Dad and I in Valenica in front of the bull fighting stadium!

My Dad :)

The beautiful view of Toledo and the River Tajo :)

My friend Katie and me in Segovia with the aqueduct

Our whole group in Segovia

El Palacio Real in Madrid

Ancient Egyptian Ruins in Madrid

Roman ruins in Segobriga

Awesome friends of mine :)
From left to right: Katie H., me, Katie S., Kevin and Josiah

For those of you that know Spanish - we have to write journals after every excursion so here is mine - English version coming soon! :)

Excursión a Madrid y los alrededores
24-27 de febrero de 2011
El jueves, 24 de febrero
Hoy salimos de Denia a los 8 de la mañana para ir a Toledo.  Después de unas horas parramos en una lugar para tener más gasolina, comer, caminar, y mayormente porque es una ley que los autobuses necesitan parrar por los menos 45 minutos en cuatro y media horas de manejar.  Fue muy bonito y algunas de nosotros caminaban en las tierras para ver una pequeño, muy viejo edificio arriba de una colina.  Pienso que fue una tienda general para las personas quienes vivían cerca.  Cuando llegamos en Toledo fuimos a una vista arriba de la ciudad donde podemos ver los edificios grandes, viejos, y muchas de la ciudad.  También podemos ver la Rio Tajo por la ciudad.  Después de eso, fuimos a la Catedral de Toledo.  Es muy grande e impresionante.  Es de estilo gótico con influencia francesa.  Había muchas cosas de oro, pinturas y esculturas.  Podemos ver el cuarto donde los sacerdotes cambien en la ropa de la misa.  Muchos de las pinturas en el techo miran a los cielos para ser con Dios.  Después fuimos a visitar la Iglesia de Santo Tome que fue más pequeño.  Algunos de nosotros fuimos debajo de la iglesia para ver ruinas romanos con tumbas.  En la iglesia había estilos diferentes de los visigodos y musulmanes y más.  Siguiendo, fuimos al Museo Sefardí.  Este museo explica mucho de los judíos de España expulsados a fines de la Edad Media.  Hay libros religiosas, ropa de la gente, estatuas de personas famosas de su día y cosas de los Sefardís en la Edad Media en el museo.  Por eso, una cosa muy turística de Toledo es una llave que representan los de las casas de los judíos expulsados quienes quieren regresar a sus casas algún día.  Este es una ciudad de tres culturas, el Cristianismo, los judíos, y los árabes.  Después caminábamos por el casco antiguo de Toledo, es muy bonita y tiene mucha cultura interesante.  Vimos muchos placas para denotar donde está el camino de Don Quijote de Miguel de Cervantes.  Reunimos en un puente muy grande y bonito para volver al hotel y para la cena comimos pizza.   

El viernes, 25 de febrero

            Hoy salimos de Toledo y fuimos al Valle de los Caídos.  En el autobús podemos ver muchos molinos de viento como en el libro de Don Quijote de la Mancha.  El Valle de los Caídos fue muy interesante.  La vista con los montanas y los muchísimos arboles fue increíble.  La cruz es muy grande.  La basílica es muy grande y oscura.  Hay muchos cuartos de capillas o solamente grandes secciones de la basílica.  No sabía y me sorprendí mucho que Franco y José Antonio Primo de Rivera, el fundador de la Falange están enterrados ahí.  Parece a mí una cosa sacrilegios.  Fue dedicado a todos los soldados quienes murieron en la Guerra Civil.  Después fuimos a visitar El Escorial donde hay un monasterio con una biblioteca impresionante con libros de hace muchos años y siglos. Unos escritos por Rey Alfonso X el sabio, unos escritos en latín o gallego, y otros religiosos.  Hay muchas fotos de los miembros de las familias reales.  También hay un cuarto donde están los restos de los reyes y reinas de España.  Después fuimos a Segovia para ver el acueducto.  Fue increíble y muy bien preservado para ser tan viejo.  Después de caminar por la ciudad, fuimos al Alcázar.  Eso fue interesante para ver las cosas de guerra, los caballos, la ropa, los escritores, y más del Alcázar.  Al fin, fuimos al subir la torre con una vista muy bonita de la ciudad.  Después, fuimos a Madrid para dejar las maletas en el Hotel y caminábamos a un restaurante se llama “Cañas y Tapas” con un ambiente muy buena española.  Ahí comimos muchas tapas buenas como pez, ensalada, patatas fritas con huevos, carne, pan, sangría y más.  Al fin de la cena bebimos chupitos como los españoles. 

El sábado, 26 de febrero

            Hoy salimos de nuestro hotel en la mañana para visitar el Palacio Real.  Es grandísimo y muy bonita.  Hay muchos cuartos, uno de las sillas de rey y reina, dormitorios, cuartos de comer, de vestirse, de visitar con personas, de jugar tarjetas o usar la mesa de billar americano y más.  Hay muchos colores y los techos son muy altos.  Hay jardines cerca del Palacio Real con una basílica a lado también.  Después fuimos a la Plaza mayor donde hay muchos actos de la calle y tiendas y restaurantes.  Fuimos a la puerta del sol plaza para comer donde había muchas personas protestando algo de los aeropuertos.  Hay muchas personas fumando.  Caminábamos por la ciudad para ver en las ruinas de Egipto (arcos) y algunos jardines.  Después fuimos al museo Reina Sofía.  Ahí hay arte contemporáneo como Guernica y Picasso.  Es muy grande pero no me gusta el arte contemporáneo.  Después fuimos al museo El Prado todos juntos para ver el arte más viejo y famoso.  Vimos pinturas Italianas, españoles, Flamencas y esculturas.  Después de unas horas aquí, fuimos al Corte Inglés para comprar comida para la cena.  Comprando comida en un supermercado como eso me siento mucho como una española, comprando mi comida para una comida y no unas semanas.  Regresamos a Hotel para comer y mirar un partido de futbol.  Cuando estábamos terminados con la comida tomamos una siesta antes de salir por la noche.  Y como españoles fuimos a salir a las 12:30 de la mañana.  Fuimos a una discoteca y veremos por nuestros mismos como es la vida de noche en Madrid.  Bailábamos y fue muy divertido.  También, como españoles, algunos de nosotros regresamos a las 5:30 de la mañana.  Ahora siento muy europeo y acostumbrada a la cultura de los personas de mi edad. 

El domingo, 27 de febrero

Hoy me levante después de unas horas para tomar un café (zumo de naranja para mí) con Ben y fuimos para caminar por la ciudad y ver los arcos de Egipto.  Fue muy divertido caminar y ver la ciudad de Madrid por la mañana.  La cola para El Palacio Real fue muy larga y había músicos tocando en las calles.  Caminábamos por los jardines para ver las estatuas a lado del Palacio Real.  Muchas personas estaban esperando tomar fotos de lugares famosos o muy bonitos para tener el sol en el lugar perfecto.  Hablábamos como es bueno que todos los estudiantes de nuestro grupo estén simpáticos y que están haciendo cosas nuevas para la experiencia de la cultura española.  Después de regresar de nuestro camino, salimos todos de Madrid.  Cada vez cuando estábamos en el autobús, dormí.  La única cosa que hicimos hoy juntos, además de viajar, fue ir a Segóbriga. Es un pueblo muy pequeño unas horas a fuera de Madrid.  Es famosa para tener muchas ruinas romanas.  Fue un lugar/ciudad central a los romanos hace años y años.  Había mucho viento.  Primero mirábamos un video de la historia de los romanos en Segobriga para tener un fondo antes del tour.  Hay tumbas excavadas, un teatro, un anfiteatro, un coliseo, unos baños de los romanos con uno de agua fría, otra con agua caliente, un cuarto de masajes y un campo para jugar deportes y hacer ejercicios.  Fue un lugar muy bonito con mucha tierra, muchos árboles y mucha historia de los romanos.  Después regresamos a Denia.  ¡Fue otra excursión increíble!          

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fun times in Spain :)

A few more pictures ~
Another beautiful view from the castle

Grandma and I were trying to stay out of the wind.  I'm pretty sure I told her the story here of my friend Sarah Kok who, wherever we go that's historical she slams my head against the wall and says "Put your face on history!!"  :)

This is the train station in Denia where you can go anywhere along the coast from Denia to Alicante (down south). 

Some typical buildings and the tourist Denia shop where my Dad got the English newpaper circulated in Denia. 

It was amazing to have my Dad and Grandma come visit me in Spain!!!  I loved spending time with and showing them Spain!  On Sunday that first day Maite and I went to pick up my Dad and Grandma in the airport.  They wouldn't let us meet them at baggage claim but there was a little hole in the paper covering the doors that we could look through and wave at them!  I had a huge smile on my face all morning!  We did a little walking through Valencia (where they flew into) and ate lunch outside which was very nice.  After taking the two hour bus ride around countless round abouts we went to our house so that Dad and Grandma could rest a bit and see where I live.  Then came all of the amazing goodies that my Dad and Mom sent from home including friendship bread and special k squares that I shared (encouraged by my Dad :) with my classmates, cheese-it's, leggings, a little blue clutch purse from my Mom for valentine's day and lots of great movies from my Dad!  That night we went to mass with Maite.  Later Maite told me that they were they first family (in twenty some years) to go to mass with her.  As soon as she saw my Dad kneel on the kneeler, she knew that he was a good and Christian man.  She loved my Dad and Grandma and they loved her as well!  On Monday I went to school and met my Dad and Grandma after to go visit the flea market that evidently does not stay open as long as I thought so it was a bit like a gold rush ghost town - everyone packing up and leaving.  But they did get to see a couple of the stands with lots of purses, shoes, clothes, and stuff.  Monday at 2:30 we had lunch with Maite at home.  She made them cheese and ham appetizers, meat, salad, bread, fruit, and I can't even remember what else but we were stuffed after!  All very good.  Then my Dad and Grandma got to experience one of my favorite parts of Spain - the siesta!  We took a nap :)  Good times!  Later we walked to the sandy beach and then spent some time talking at the hotel :)  On Tuesday we went to Benidorm a large town about an hour south of Denia.  It has an amazing beach.  We had lunch there and then walked around, shopped a bit and saw the beach!  On Wed. in between classes Dad came to the school and we had "cafe" with my teacher (even though none of us had coffee - Diet Coke for my Dad and me :)  After school we again had lunch with Maite.  Delicious again and very filling!  Then we went to visit the castle of Denia.  It was interesting and fun but very windy!  Since we were a bit chilled and windblown, I suggested that we go to Valor – a chocolate churros shop / restaurant.  Ah!!  Delicious!  I let Maite order the chorros and they brought out a tower of them!  They were delicious especially dipped in the vat of melted chocolate we got as well!  After my Dad and I ran to the grocery store to grab some cheese, crackers and a pizza baguette for me we went back to the hotel, ate dinner, talked and played garbage rum!  (A card game).  On Thursday Dad and I had breakfast together in the hotel dining room before I got a massage in the hotel spa!  Amazing!  Sort of different as the lady did not leave the room for me to change before she started the massage – but I suppose as there are many topless sun bathers here that is normal . . .  very relaxing though and after I felt like a new person!  When I came upstairs where my Dad was using my computer, there was a whole team of bike racers sitting in the lobby with him in full racing outfits!  After my one class on Thursday we ate lunch at a restaurant by the bus station.  The waiter noticed that we were Americans and offered to bring us a selection of tapas which ended up being very good!  They included cod croquets, bread with a tomato sauce, a fish platter and a vegetable platter.  Afterwards we went to the mall (to which you need to take a 20 minute bus) and shopped a bit.  My Dad said it was interesting to see the popular styles in Spain.  It was very fun and he bought me some clothes that will hopefully not shout American as my jeans and t-shirts so often do.  On that note – I have been really enjoying my new clothes and since it has been in the 70’s I have been wearing some skirts as well and am enjoying blending in a bit more.  Although I definitely stood out today when it was in the 70’s and sunny and I was wearing a jean skirt, flip flops and a pink shirt and everyone else was in boots and winter coats!  After the mall we went home, got some dinner again at the grocery store, packed up, and then played some more cards.  We got a grand total of 2.5 hours of sleep before we met the taxi driver at 3:30 the next morning.  The flights home were all good so I hear and now they are safely home.  I had an amazing time and would love to have more visitors :)

I finally figured out how to watch NCIS online since hulu doesn’t work abroad!  My linguistics independent study class finally passed through and I will be starting a study on the languages and different linguistic aspects of Spain soon!  On Monday I started my ethnographic study at a Christian school here – Alpha and Omega, also the protestant church that I attend.  I am observing / helping in a second grade class room.  The kids are absolutely adorable!!  I helped them color, learn some English and play outside.  I arrived early and sat outside at a picnic table with one of my friend’s mama’s who works there (she was supervising recess).  A few first graders ran up to talk to her and one little girl looked at me with surprised happiness and gave me a huge hug!  Then she asked “quien es?” “who are you?”  Ah!  She was so cute!  It is a 30 minute walk up to the school but it is well worth it as the kids are a blast to be around!  The teacher I am working with is from Michigan!  It’s a small world! 

On Thursday we leave as a big group for Toledo, Madrid and Segovia.  It should be a blast and I will have pictures and blogs about it when I get back next week.  I hope everyone is doing well at home!  Xoxo, Jenn

My first visitors of many . . . :)

This was the start of an awesome week when my Dad and Grandma Beth visited Spain!!!
This is in Valencia where we spent a couple of hours walking around and eating lunch outside under the sun :)

My Grandma, Maite (my Spanish mama) and me

There were really pretty buildings everywhere!

It was so fun to have them come visit!!

The weather was perfect too - it was in the 70's and sunny!

Here is Maite (Maria Teresa) showing off her new earings - a gift from my parents for her taking such great care of me! 

This is me at the school where we take classes.  It is a building used for night classes for adults and we take classes in the mornings. 

University National of Distance Education

My Grandma :)

The park just outside the school.

Absolutely beautiful beaches!! This is in Benidorm where we went on Tuesday for lunch and shopping :)

Unfortunitely the weather wasn't super as you can see by the dark rain clouds but it was still really fun!

Me with my umbrella and my Dad with his super awesome new european hat that he bought because of the rain and of course as soon as he bought it the rain stopped! 

My Dad and Grandma :)

My Grandma and me!

A huge rock island off the coast of Benidorm

Great picture :)

In Benidorm my Dad bought me this amazing skirt for my Flamenco dance class~!

I loved playing around in it and now I can really do all the moves the teacher shows with the skirts~!  Side note - In flamenco dancing it is very different from the ballroom dances I have done as you usually stomp and then start again on the same foot - it is not oh, if you just stepped on your right foot then your left foot is open so we'll step on that one, nope it's kind of tricky!

Very fun to twirl in :)

This is the hotel where they/we stayed.  It has an awesome outdoor pool that has three levels!

View from outside our window.

Grandma and Dad walking around the Marina of Denia

There was a lot of walking!!  At home we drive everywhere!  Here I walk ALL the time!!!  I have already worn out a couple pairs of socks!

This is my neighborhood :)

My Grandma and me standing in front of my house!

Maite serving lunch - fish (shrimp and muscles and something else) and rice and salad and bread and fruit and cheese and ham and dessert and - tons of food!!  All delicious :)

Maite was very excited about my skirt and got a scarf of hers that matched my skirt, then put her crown and sash on me from when she was the queen of the house of Andalucia (she is an amazing Spanish dancer too!)

A view of the harbor from the casatle.

The town.  On Thursday we went to the castle.  It was a climb but very fun!

You can't tell here but it was sooo windy!

Cool shot!