My Story

I am spending the spring semester in Denia, Spain. I will be taking five classes at the local University. Follow the blog to find out what is going on in my life :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hola everyone!  Sorry I haven’t written in awhile – I have been enjoying Spain greatly!!  I’ll have to write more later as this will just be an overview but Madrid was amazing, we saw lots of historical sites and went to a seven level dance club one night that reminded me of Chasing Liberty if anyone has seen that awesome movie J  Over the last month I have climbed the mountain here (9 hours!!), explored caves that go under the ocean, gone to the Valor chocolate factory and felt like I was in Charlie and the Chocolate factory, spent lots of time at the beach, walking, jogging and basking J I have gone to Valencia three times in the last couple of weeks.  Once to go see the fallas, once to see a soccer match between Valencia and Sevilla, and the third time to see the oceanographic (aquarium).  Fallas was amazing and super loud!  They are constantly shooting off fireworks and little kids play with fireworks all hours of the day.  The fallas are large colorful floats that make some sort of political, social or economical statement (satirizing it).  The fallas in Dénia were fun as well and it was always loud!  We had a couple of neighborhood lunches as my neighborhood did a small falla (pictures to come!) and we had paella and lots of traditional Spanish food!  There was music and dancing and it was a blast!  We ate out on long tables in the warm sun.  We have been doing lots of movie nights and get togethers including chocolate, cookies, cranberry juice, coloring, spaghetti dinners and more!  It’s great getting to know all the students here!  I absolutely love my mama, Maite!  She is so nice and gives me lots of gifts and makes delicious food and is always there to talk or dance or sing J  The other night I went over to my friends Josiah’s house and Kevin and I jumped in his pool – It was freezing!!!!  We were in an out in a matter of minutes J  The soccer match was a blast (we were the only 6 Sevilla fans there) but we won!  Classes are going well and my ethnographic study to the grade school is fun, seeing and interacting with all the little kids is adorable!  I’m still keeping up on my NCIS and NCIS: LA’s!!  LOVE THEM!  Today I was outside jogging on the beach in 70 degree weather!  It was awesome!!   Well I’m off to get ready for our excursion tomorrow to Cordoba and Granada.  The following weekend Sevilla, two weeks after that England and Rome for a two week spring break and then the next weekend my family comes so lots of awesome travel to look forward too!  I hope everyone is doing well!  Xoxo, Jenn


  1. Sure - as an afterthought you decided to comment on your studies - I almost forgot that you are actually going to school there!!! Glad you are having so much fun - Maite has been a life savor for you! Have fun and be safe!

  2. WOW -- It is so great to hear and see everything you are sharing. Larry has the itch to go to Spain, especially Salamanca. Thanks for keeping everyone updated!
