My Story

I am spending the spring semester in Denia, Spain. I will be taking five classes at the local University. Follow the blog to find out what is going on in my life :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My first visitors of many . . . :)

This was the start of an awesome week when my Dad and Grandma Beth visited Spain!!!
This is in Valencia where we spent a couple of hours walking around and eating lunch outside under the sun :)

My Grandma, Maite (my Spanish mama) and me

There were really pretty buildings everywhere!

It was so fun to have them come visit!!

The weather was perfect too - it was in the 70's and sunny!

Here is Maite (Maria Teresa) showing off her new earings - a gift from my parents for her taking such great care of me! 

This is me at the school where we take classes.  It is a building used for night classes for adults and we take classes in the mornings. 

University National of Distance Education

My Grandma :)

The park just outside the school.

Absolutely beautiful beaches!! This is in Benidorm where we went on Tuesday for lunch and shopping :)

Unfortunitely the weather wasn't super as you can see by the dark rain clouds but it was still really fun!

Me with my umbrella and my Dad with his super awesome new european hat that he bought because of the rain and of course as soon as he bought it the rain stopped! 

My Dad and Grandma :)

My Grandma and me!

A huge rock island off the coast of Benidorm

Great picture :)

In Benidorm my Dad bought me this amazing skirt for my Flamenco dance class~!

I loved playing around in it and now I can really do all the moves the teacher shows with the skirts~!  Side note - In flamenco dancing it is very different from the ballroom dances I have done as you usually stomp and then start again on the same foot - it is not oh, if you just stepped on your right foot then your left foot is open so we'll step on that one, nope it's kind of tricky!

Very fun to twirl in :)

This is the hotel where they/we stayed.  It has an awesome outdoor pool that has three levels!

View from outside our window.

Grandma and Dad walking around the Marina of Denia

There was a lot of walking!!  At home we drive everywhere!  Here I walk ALL the time!!!  I have already worn out a couple pairs of socks!

This is my neighborhood :)

My Grandma and me standing in front of my house!

Maite serving lunch - fish (shrimp and muscles and something else) and rice and salad and bread and fruit and cheese and ham and dessert and - tons of food!!  All delicious :)

Maite was very excited about my skirt and got a scarf of hers that matched my skirt, then put her crown and sash on me from when she was the queen of the house of Andalucia (she is an amazing Spanish dancer too!)

A view of the harbor from the casatle.

The town.  On Thursday we went to the castle.  It was a climb but very fun!

You can't tell here but it was sooo windy!

Cool shot!


  1. What a terrific vacation to the windiest city outside of Chicago!! We had a great time and I would recomend a visit to anone that can make the trip. I even survived on my limited Spanish speaking skills - and yes - they do have Diet Coke in Spain!

  2. OK,I'm in then - I was just concerned about the diet coke:)
